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THIS SUNDAY - This week Steve Wilson will be sharing a message from Acts 17: 16-34, entitled: “Jesus in the Marketplace”. Please come join us in person at 10 a.m. or watch online at Church Online.

DISCIPLESHIP - Discipleship is a key component of following Jesus. We become mature believers only by living in relationships with others, and by being challenged in the teachings of Jesus through discipleship; some structures to help facilitate this process include being a part of a small group or attending Freedom Session. We encourage you to consider either option as you seek a deeper relationship with Christ.

READY, SET, LEARN EVENT - Zion Lutheran Christian School is hosting Ready, Set, Learn events on February 6th & 8th from 9 am to 11 am. Three to five-year-olds along with one caregiver are welcome to register for one of these free, fun-filled mornings of story time, crafts, games, and snacks. For more info please call 250-562-2777 or Email to book a spot today. Space is limited.

CARING MINISTRY UPDATE AND FEBRUARY INITIATIVE - Brothers and Sisters of CFBC! What an impact on the Prince George's community your generosity has made!  Your grace-filled support over November and December 2023 allowed CFBC to bless 13 families with a very well-stocked food hamper for Christmas, AND then to further bless the Salvation Army’s Food Bank with a gift of $2,000.00. Thanks be to Him Who provides!! During February 2024, the Caring Ministry’s Initiative is to fill/stock the Little Blue Food Pantry as often as possible.  Will you prayerfully consider donating to CFBC’s Benevolence Fund in February? All funds donated during February will be used to purchase food items for the pantry. If you prefer to donate food items, please bring them to the CFBC kitchen marked “PANTRY”, and please let Becky Gairns know that you have done so. Thanks so much!!

COLDEST NIGHT OF THE YEAR (CNOY) 2024 - The Coldest Night of the Year is a Canada-wide, family-friendly walk and dinner to raise awareness and money for local charities serving people experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness. In Prince George's, we are again raising money for the Association for Women and Community (AWAC). AWAC is a non-profit agency that does an excellent job of providing support to people at every level of the housing continuum. They recognize that homelessness, addictions, and mental health are interwoven.  Especially now, with such a housing crisis, support for AWAC is essential. Let's walk together in Prince George on February 24, 2024! Click to Register, For more information Click to Email.

MUELLER BABY SHOWER - This is the weekend! We're reaching out with heartfelt gratitude for your commitment to join us in celebrating the imminent arrival of Graeme and Karynn Mueller's adorable triplets. There will be a baby shower at CFBC on Saturday, February 3rd at 2:00 pm that will have lots of food, games, and fun to be had by all at this Jack and Jill baby shower (The guys are welcome). 

GIVING - When you give, you invest in changing people’s lives through the mission and vision of this church. You can place your gifts in the donation box in the foyer or use the debit machine there. You can also give via eTransfers or online at Give Online.

Pastor Jason McAllister | Email Jason