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THIS SUNDAY - We are beginning a new series as we journey through Galatians. What does it mean to be justified by faith? Why might adding anything to the gospel be condemning? Join us in person at 10 a.m. or watch online at Church Online

KICK OFF SUNDAY & POTLUCK LUNCH - will be September 17th. Come celebrate with us as we kick off a new ministry year. Reminder that this year we will be counting on everyone to please bring a dish to share for lunch after the service.

SMALL GROUPS - We are looking at beginning our small group ministry in early October. We have a few groups starting up so if you would like to join a group, please contact the office. 

DISCIPLESHIP - Dallas Willard said that discipleship is the process of becoming who Jesus would be if he were you; some structures to help facilitate this process include being a part of a small group, attending Freedom Session or intentionally meeting regularly with a mature believer. We encourage you to consider these options as you seek a deeper relationship with Christ. 

EADIE UPDATE - It’s good to be back in Papua! Our time in Canada was both good and busy. Leaving family and friends never gets any easier, but it is good to be settling back into the life and work God has called us to here. One big event for us this summer was leaving Luke behind as he begins a new chapter of his life. Luke left Canada when he was six and is now back as a young man of 18. He will be living in Revelstoke to start and working his first Canadian job. A cause for celebration! So far, in 2023, MAF has already been able to take part in three different Bible dedication ceremonies. This is when the first copies of the Bible translated into a new Papuan language are delivered to the people who speak it.

FAMILY GRIEF SUPPORT - The Prince George Hospice Palliative Care is excited to be offering a Family Grief Support Service, which will support children who grieve and their parents (or those who care for them). The programs are separate but will run at the same time. The program is designed to present the same topics to each group, which can then be shared as a family at home together. Each week is a different theme that each age group learns about. It is age-appropriate for each group. We also offer homework that encourages the families to grieve together. The next group will start on September 26th. The groups will run for eight consecutive weeks from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Pre-registration is required. For more information call 250-563-2551.

WOMEN’S WEEKEND - At Ness Lake Bible Camp, Come and spend some time with friends or make new ones while we hear from our keynote speaker Donna Carter. Enjoy great food and community, fun games, and activities. This event runs from Friday, Oct 13 at 7:00 p.m. to Sunday, Oct 15 at 1:00 p.m.
Cost Full weekend: $155 early bird rate until Sep 13 ($170 regular fee)
Cost Sat only: $99 early bird rate until Sep 13 ($105 regular fee)
Register Here

GIVING - is a form of worship. It’s a way that we say thanks to God and serve our community.  But it’s also a matter of perspective – keeping us grounded in the things that really matter. You can place your gifts in the donation box in the foyer or use the debit machine there. You can also give via eTransfers or online at Give Online.
Pastor Jason McAllister | Email Jason