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THIS SUNDAY we welcome Phil Pudlas back and look forward to hearing what he will share from God’s word. Join us in person at 10 a.m. or watch online at Church Online.

SPRING PLANNING MEETIN minutes were emailed to members on June 17. Please let the office or Leadership Team know of any errors or omissions before July 1.

BABY BOTTLE CAMPAIGN - is now complete. Thank you to everyone who donated through baby bottles or the Benevolent Fund. This is an important ministry and a way to show the community God’s love.

NESS LAKE BIBLE CAMP - Summer is roaring in fast and we are in need of your prayers for our summer team positions that still have openings.  Please pray for lifeguards, for cabin leaders and kitchen team as well.  Details are available at Ness Lake Bible Camp.  

ROKEBYS have sent us an updated prayer card. Pick one up in the foyer and keep them in your prayers as they make final preparations to move to Japan this fall with their young family.

SUMMER OFFICE HOURS: Ester works Fridays from 8 - 4. Fridays are Pastor Jason’s day off. He is in the office most days, but please call to confirm first. His cell number is available by contacting the office. 

GIVING - Because you give, we can hire staff, purchase supplies, purchase curriculum, and teach kids about Jesus. We’re teaching Bible stories to your children to lay a foundation for God’s actions in their lives.  We’re discipling people in their walk with Jesus. And your giving makes that possible. We’re so proud to be a part of a church that takes this mission seriously. You can place your gifts in the donation box in the foyer or use the debit machine there. You can also give via eTransfers or Give Online.