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THIS SUNDAY - JD Desbiens will be bringing us a message from God’s Word. He is the Operations Director of Ness Lake Bible Camp and is one of the missionaries we support.  Join us in person at 10 a.m. or watch  Church Online

NEW OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday, 8:30 -11:30 a.m. Pastor Jason is often in the office all day, but please call first to confirm. Friday is his regular day off.

FELLOWSHIP SURVEY was emailed to church members on April 13. Our Fellowship family has begun a three-year journey to prayerfully and carefully review our Fellowship National Affirmation of Faith. This is a belief statement that has served us well since its adoption at our inaugural Fellowship National Convention in 1953. The Leadership Team encourages all members to participate in the survey. The deadline is April 30.

APRIL BENEVOLENT INITIATIVE - this is the last week to donate to the Benevolent Fund for the purpose of sponsoring children/teens to attend Ness Lake Bible Camp this coming summer!   This has the potential to be a life-changing summer for them.

NESS LAKE BIBLE CAMP - Men's Camp is on May 5-7 for men ages 10 and up (under 19 must be accompanied by an adult) with a tough and rugged Highland games theme! $170 per person.
FAMILY WORK WEEKEND - Help Ness Lake Bible Camp get ready for summer May 20-23. This year, besides the cabins, there are limited spots for cabin, RV and tenting, and unlimited spots for those who will go home each night. There is no fee to attend. We feed you and have lots of time for fun and connection, as well as all working together to prepare the camp for summer! Register for either camp at Ness Lake Bible Camp.

PRAYER - We want to care for you! Email your prayer needs to

MINISTRY SUPPORT - Thank you for your ongoing prayers and financial support as we continue this ministry. You can place your gifts in the donation box in the foyer or use the debit machine there. You can also give via eTransfers or at Give Online.

Your Leadership Team