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SUNDAY-Join us to hear what the book of Revelation says about the church at Sardis, the dead church. Activity packs for children are available at the back of the sanctuary. Our online service is available at Church Online

BLESSING PLACE-is a supervised place for parents to leave their children ages 0-3 during the service. We need your help to have this program in place for the fall. This is an opportunity to work with the youngest members of the church and also is a blessing for the parents, as they will be able to enjoy the service. Sign up with Karen Rogers. 

THE ESLER FAMILY would like you to know that the memorial service for Jack Esler will be held at Central Fellowship on Monday, August 29 at 11:00 a.m. with a luncheon to follow. Please remember Jack's wife, Eth and the family in your prayers.
OUR FALL KICK-OFF will be on Sunday, September 11. We encourage you to invite your friends and neighbours for food, fun and games as we start our new ministry year. 

PHOTOS NEEDED for our annual Fall Kick-Off slide show. What has been happening in your life this past year? We'd love it if you'd email your photos to as soon as possible.

LEADERSHIP TEAM - would like to remind you Freedom Session will not be happening this ministry year. Pray for the Team as they continue to search for nominees for the Leadership Team. Mark your calendars for our Annual General Meeting on Sunday, October 16.

AUGUST INITIATIVE-Are you purchasing school supplies for your children? Do you see all the sales on school supplies? Throw a few extra things in your cart and drop them off at the church. We would like to provide for students in the community who are in need. The supplies will be distributed in early September. Alternatively, all cash donations marked “Benevolence” during August will be used to purchase school supplies.

INTERVARSITY-fall sessions for college and university are starting soon. Join Cristyn Bergen in a time of prayer for the local church, to pray for those who will be freshmen, for the leadership team next year and for students to come and know Jesus! Wednesdays from 10:30 - 11:30 am at the College of New Caledonia’s Multifaith room. Contact her at if you wish to attend.

MINISTRY SUPPORT-Your continued prayer and financial support are appreciated.  Donations are accepted in the foyer or Give online.

PRAYER-We want to care for you! Email your prayer needs to  

CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Jason McAllister, Pastor |